Friday, October 30, 2009

Photo Shoot

Could she get any cuter? On our way down to the Ozarks, we had a family friend take pictures of Kayin and I must say--she has been the only one who brought tears to my eyes looking at my child's picture! She truly captured Kayin in all of her "girly" qualities and we can hardly wait (or maybe we can because the decision will be way too hard to make on what pictures to order) to see her gallery!
I can just hear her laughing in her Halloween costume, seeing her little innocent eyes looking into that camera, and posing like a princess!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sweet Little Baby

Okay, so I found this picture on our shutterfly account and hopefully it will come through for me! I was looking back at baby pictures of Kayin and isn't she just the cutest little thing? I miss those baby days but LOVE the age where she is now! Not sure what happened and I can't get the Husker picture to move, but that was a three month picture of her with her Husker gear on! Hopefully this weekend they can pull out another win for us!

A year ago....

This was Kayin a year ago decorating her pumpkin...I think this year we will try carving one! :)

10 on Tuesday

Okay, so here I go....several of my friends post a "10 on Tuesday" list of accomplishments, thoughts, things to name it, so I thought I would give it a try. There won't be any pictures on this list since this is one for mommy! :) However, I am trying to unearth the CD of downloaded baby pictures of Kayin to post a couple...they are precious to look at and we get smiles all around!

10. Thinking to myself, "How am I going to get all of this done?? Meaning: report cards, SPED paperwork, report cards, appraisal information, report cards, laundry, report cards, plans for upcoming holidays, REPORT CARDS??!!?" Yes, did you notice a theme? I want so badly to be done with report cards before we leave for Chicago next Thursday!

9. Kayin asked the other day when she could have a baby brother or sister. When I told her she would have to share her room, she explained to me that she could move downstairs and have the basement all to herself...interesting!

8. How can it be that you can spend 6 hours at your job on a Sunday afternoon, return on a Monday for a plan day and still have a list a mile long of things you want to accomplish?

7. Splurged and bought new MaryKay lip gloss the other day...LOVE IT!!!

6. Should so be in bed as a type this, but promising myself to at least post on Tuesday for ME.

5. Thought it was so nice that my hubby had dinner ready for me tonight when I walked in the door at 6:00...Thanks Mr. J.!!

4. One of our best friends from Chicago is getting married next weekend and we are counting down the days when we get to see everyone! I have mixed emotions about going...I have a feeling it will be hard to leave them all! We created such wonderful friendships out there and we miss everyone dearly!

3. Our daughter is becoming quite the little charmer. Tonight, she looks at me, asks if I would like to cuddle with her on the chair in the living room, and drug out my favorite fleece tie blanket (which by the way, you can never have enough of those laying around)!!

2. Slowly but surely crossing items off of our Christmas "TO BUY" list! Hoping that we can actually be done before "BLACK FRIDAY" so maybe we can take advantage of the deals for ourselves this year!

1. Can't wait for Nana to get Kayin's Halloween costume done! I have a feeling it's going to be pretty hard to top this year! (Not like we have had that many...) My mom has now officially become the "costume maker" for Kayin's yearly trick-or-treating adventures. I can only imagine how adorable she is going to look on October 31st!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

As we were cleaning out some of Kayin's toys last week, she came across this dolly, one of many I must say! She noticed her piggy-tail braids and she asked me, "Mommy, can you make my hair look like hers?" I wasn't too sure it her hair was long enough, however once we got the braids done, THEY WERE ADORABLE!!!! Yuppers folks, her hair is long enough to do two braids--my next task is getting her to sit still long enough to do french braids on both sides!

Where's Harper?

Harper moved to quick for me to get the original picture! Kayin had taken her napkin from dinner and placed it over Harper (barely covering 1/4 of his body) and went to her bedroom to get one of her pillows for him to take a nap on. The minute I got out the camera, both of the lil' stinkers moved! But, have no fear, this creative girl found something different--our table runner! Sometimes it's just fun to sit back and watch her imagination run wild! Harper is such a good sport and we are so fortunate he has a great temperament around her!

Peek A Boo

Can anyone find Kayin? One of her favorite things to do is "hide" from you when she hears the garage door opening! Needless to say, finding her isn't that hard...but seeing the smile on her face wants you to stay home and play the following day!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lucky Duck

So, last week, my dear husband calls me and tells me he is at a garage sale. He has had his eye on a big screen for quite some time, but other obligations and priorities have taken its place. Well, the price was right and we scored with a new SONY 40 inch HD flat screen tv. Now, it isn't one of those super paper thin tvs, but it was definitely worth the whole $40.00 he spent on it.

As a result, we had to move around our living room and I just had to show you the before and after pictures. We feel like it looks and feels more like a "living room" now and the new arrangement makes our room feel HUGE!!


Happy Fall

I got creative this weekend...
I went to the local grocery store and bought two "pie" pumpkins. Cut the top off and cleaned the guts out. The secret to this pumpkin vase is to melt some wax you use for baking and pour into the pumpkin. This coats the inside so the water will not seep through and keep the pumpkin from rotting and devloping those nasty little fruit flies. Pick out some coordinating flowers and VIAOLA...instant fall vase you can use for the month of October and November.

Catch Up Time!

Okay, before I start people, please remember that I DO WORK FULL TIME!! I am trying my best to keep up with the blog, but I know all of you reading this have all been there before! Some days I feel like I am barely swimming!

And, I know, you all want to see pictures of Kayin, but guess what...not this blog--you will have to wait until tomorrow. I thought I had taken some cute ones today, but the camera went kaput on me and I have no idea what happened. So, instead, here are the activities that our WONDERFUL daycare provider has been doing with the kiddos. Needless to say, Kayin is soaking everything up and has become even more verbal than what she already was!
So, I inserted the pictures in reverse order--guess that tells you all how tired I am! :)

G Week: Wrapping a gift -- she didn't do too bad!

F Week: Making a flower -- they painted a toilet paper tube green for the stem

E Week: Painting and coloring eggs -- Kayin talked about this project ALL WEEK!!!

C Week: Cookies (animal cookies glued on a train)

D Week: Dinosaur stamping -- the kids also got to make a "dinosaur fossil" necklace