Saturday, June 12, 2010

Swimming--first lesson

Today was the big day...SWIMMING LESSONS!!! I honestly don't know who was more excited-mommy or Kayin! She has, from day one, loved the water and we couldn't wait to get her signed up somewhere! I have a friend at school who subs every now and then and I love her spirit and her way with kids. When I realized she gave lessons, I knew where I wanted Kayin to go. She has recently renovated her back yard to accomodate this massive pool (which I am just a little jealous) and has quite the system going! She has been giving lessons for quite some time and although we couldn't be out there watching every little move our little fish was making, we watched anxiously from the "parent pool house". The last five minutes she lets parents come out, show off what the swimmer has learned and assigns a little homework assignment! :) This week, we are working on our "circles in the water" and "1, 2, 1, 2" chasing ducks in the pool!! ENJOY!!


After months and months of planning, her party was a HIT!! The weather was beautiful and everything was amazing! Thanks to everyone who helped out! These were one of Kayin's presents...needless to say, we think they fit her personality quite well!
Don't ask.....
Could this cake have gotten any cuter? We are fortunate enough to have connections through my aunt with a teacher friend here in town that makes cakes. She has made every birthday cake for her and it has now become a tradition!!