Saturday, April 21, 2012


January 22??!! I guess this blog has been neglected...and it tells you how busy we have been! In February, we geared up to celebrate a special boy's first birthday and it was quite a success! I have so much fun planning parties and seeing the smiles on the lil' one's face took my breath away. Knowing that he is our last, makes it even more special.

In March, we stuck around here during Spring Break and didn't do much. It was nice to be around home and get little projects done! We kept busy however with a day to the Omaha Zoo, library story hour at our local library, a trip to The Children's Museum, Kid's Day at Paint Yourself Silly, and finished of the week with a picnic in the park! We also have now become proud of owners of a mini-van!! And, I can totally see how once people get one, they will never go back to a regular car or SUV. I am finding it very handy for schlepping the kids around as well as toting things to and from school everyday!

Now, we are gearing up for a lil' girl's (or should I say BIG girl?) FIFTH birthday party!! At the conclusion of her flower party last year, she told Justin and I she wanted to have a Husker, GO BIG RED!!! Watch for details!