With the help of Nana, we are able to do some uploading of pictures tonight using her computer!!
With Friday being a snow day for LPS, Kayin and I got some much needed time together. We had a tea party, painted her nails, and experimented with hair styles. Saturday we were able to spend some time out in the snow and boy did she love it!! She wailed when we had to come in...I am sure our neighbors were wondering what the heck was going on!
Yeh Nana! Love seeing pictures
of Kayin. Keep 'em comin'
Looks like you had a great
snow day and Valentine's Day.
I didn't know Justin & I share
the same birthday!
Justin's birthday is January 17th...is that yours as well?
I know--she is changing a lot and speaking so much now!! I have to figure out how to insert a video real soon!!
We are about a month apart.
Mine is Febr. 15.
Sorry to hear about your
computer problems.
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