As I was doing dishes tonight, I realized it was awfully quiet so I started walking down to hall to find a pile of Kayin's clothes...yes, the ones that I had JUST PUT ON HER BODY!! I was wondering what had compelled her to get naked....hmmmm....
Oh, here she is!! Obviously she thought she needed to take a bath!! This has been one of her hiding spots...she thoroughly LOVES bath time and gets a kick out of playing hide and go seek by hiding in the tub and playing!! Look closely...no water!!
But she's so SMART--she knew she wan't suppose to gointo the bathtub in her clothes!!!
Did you put some water in the tub
for the poor girl! She is a big
helper and was ready and waiting!
What a sweet and clever girl! I think the bathtub is perfect place to play hide and seek, and when she's done she's ready to take a bath!:)
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