10. Report cards are FINISHED!!! Just one more round to go (it seems so unreal that we only have one more quarter this year)!
9. Passports are underway--got pictures taken, paperwork in and now are waiting patiently! 2 week vacation in Canada can't come fast enough--ready to introduce Kayin (and myself) to several members of Justin's extended family!
8. I have been wanting to do something for Kayin's bedroom...so, this is what we worked on today...
First and foremost was putting bedding and blankets into some storage bins in her closet. I also organized her clothes--not showing ALL of them...and took out fall/winter and getting ready for spring/summer!
This is the new location of her dresser...we still need to hang up her "Kayin" bow holder to the right...the green vase with white polka dots was a bargain at Hobby Lobby (had a little chip on the bottom, barely noticable, but was 40% off and then I asked if I could get another 25% off due to the chip...sure enough....$16.99 vase for $7.00)
Here is her NEW HEADBOARD!!! Got the idea from a fellow blogger that I follow and let me tell you, it was super easy! Downstairs, in Kayin's play area, we had done a project with blank canvas. Well, instead of buying new ones, we decided to hang pictures up and re-use these! The fabric was on sale as well as the velcro...I think for the total project -- $18.00!!!
Kayin even got into helping me hang them up!
7. Hoping that bringing this little guy out will help Spring "hop" out of Mother Nature!
6. Worked on organizing the basement, especially Kayin's toy/play area...found these lovely gems at Target (although Walmart in GI had them cheaper, came to Lincoln to buy them and the Walmart here in Lincoln didn't carry the brand!!!) Anyhow, the last thing that needs to be done is take pictures of what is inside of the bins, label and voala...instant organization!!!
So, this is what her new area looks like...without the little knick knacks on the top of the storage bins as well as her new pictures that we are hanging up--Love the new space now!
5. Kayin made this suncatcher a couple of weeks ago at "M's" house...LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Just a paper plate with a hole cut out with clear contact paper covering-then the kids loaded on the cut tissue paper!! Can't help but display this one on the dining room window!
1 comment:
WOW WOW WOW!!!! Love kayin's NEW room(s)!!! Great job on the new stuff & organization (do you want to come out & help us??!!
Glad you are enjoying your break!!
Love, Gramma
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