Monday, February 23, 2009

No new pix yet, but NEW COMPUTER

Okay. So as I type this update, I am sitting down looking at our new DELL 19 inch computer....and LOVE IT!!! With our old computer going ka-put, we had to get a new one in order to post pictures as well as work on school work at home.

I am sure tomorrow night will be a round of new pictures of Kayin as well as a picture of the new, watch out and keep your eyes open!


Meghan said...

We, too, have had to buy a new computer in the last few months. Ours completely crashed as well. Very frustrating considering that it was barely two years old! Thankfully, we had Todd's work computer to tide us over in the interim!

Congratulations on the new one - I'm glad you like it! We'll be looking forward to the new pictures!

Sharon Brinkmeyer said...

OKAY, we're waiting for those NEW PICS !!

Kindergarten Team said...

Sorry...working full time and trying to get some kiddos identified has taken priority...i'm working on adding some now!!