Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Train's a Comin'

Last night, Justin was upstairs playing with Kayin while I was working on school stuff and he came down and said, "have you heard her say 'Choo-choo' ?"

Yup, another new phrase to put down in the books...and what is so amazing is she even had the engine from her train set we got for her for her birthday in her hand!!

Another new phrase to add "PLEASE" aka in Kayin's language "PWETHE". Hopefully one of these days I can find time to insert a video and that will be one that is not to be missed!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have to honestly say that if feels good to be back at work and in full swing with things! It's a miracle what a routine can do to your life!! Although leaving Kayin at Steph's last week with the realization that summer "vacation" was officially over, it felt good to be back with the kids. There is nothing like seeing the face of a smiling 6-year-old on that first day of school. I am really trying my hardest to take it really slow this year (which most teachers say every year) and instill good work habits, listening skills, and classroom/building expectations. I think the first day we had to practice lining up quietly about 10 times before they realized what I was expecting...and I wasn't giving in!!

There is a funny story however (well, it wasn't funny at the moment)! I may be old school, but when I ask the children to do something, I would like the respect of the response, "Okay Mrs. Brinkmeyer" or "Yes, Mrs. Brinkmeyer". When I asked this little girl, " I see that you are talking with your friend during work time. Can you please sit quietly and focus on your own work." She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and responded, "Why do I have to answer to you?" Needless to say, I was taken back a little bit considering that this just-turning-6 little girl would say something like that!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New House...New Adventures

* Kayin has discovered that Harper isn't that bad after all! She loves playing in his water bowl and especially loves to feed him her left overs after a meal or her snack!! (And we all thought he would lose weight here without having to compete with Player's food!!)
* We finally are out of boxes and went through some of Kayin's clothes. She had over 9 bins and we thought we would downsize a bit. This doesn't include what is in her closet!!
* Sitting in the pool in her Backyardagin's chair from Aunt Mimi is awesome!! At the apartment we only had a little deck and not nearly enough room for a pool!

* Bath time has become a favorite past time! We forget how much Harper enjoys taking baths. This picture was taken after the little confrontation I had with him IN THE BATHTUB (and yes, there was water)!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Too Soon?

Grandma Sharon shared with me a story and I have to tell:

This morning, Kayin and Grandma were playing in the living room with her stacking blocks (which I picked up at a garage sale for a buck!). Kayin went over to her bag, got out a diaper, went to Grandma and took her hand and walked her back to her room!! Sure enough, she needed to be changed! Can't we say SMART??!!

Is it too soon to be thinking about potty training our little dolly??

Sunday morning thoughts

As I sit here and blog, I can do it without a 15-month old climbing on top of the computer trying to help. Yes, Kayin is down for a NAP!!! We are hoping that she is on the upswing of things and whatever she had last week is gone for good!! A week ago today, she had been running a 100+ fever for several days and wasn't sleeping a wink. Monday we took her in and got some medicine and encouragement to keep being patient. Tuesday Grandma Brinkmeyer offered to come out and help. Wednesday we both looked like we had a match with boxing gloves and thought about the offer. Thursday we made the call and Friday morning we picked up Grandma in Omaha. Saturday I worked all day in my room and got most everything ready before we start meetings this week. Today, enjoying the weather and working outside!

It must be Grandma's touch because she has been happy-go-lucky since her arrival!! She has been taking at least one nap during the day, going down fairly easy at night, but the 4 o'clock wake-up call is still happening (with some intermittent fussing throughout the night). However this morning, the wake-up call was around 5:20.

She has been eating good and her new favorite is a box raisins! She'll eat the whole box if you let her.

1. Whatever bug Kayin had last week is hopefully gone (at least we'll keep our fingers crossed).
2. She possibly was sensing the stress that I have had the last couple of weeks with not getting sleep, meetings for school, and finishing up the unpacking at the house.
3. Those darn molars are taking longer than what we want to break through. But, last night we put some baby Orajel on her toothbrush and she chewed and chewed away!! She does not like Justin or I's finger going into her mouth.
4. We don't look like we had a battle with a boxing glove.
5. Next time we go to the grocery store, we will be sure to pick up another box of raisins!

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Little Diversion

For those of you who keep awaiting pictures of the new place, we had a little diversion today but are hoping to get some posted later tonight!

"What diversion," you may ask?? As many of you know, we have been "postponed" from our normal routine for about a month now with moving, vacation, teething and yet moving some more. Kayin has been struggling with this (as well as her mommy and daddy) and has just not been herself. She hasn't been eating well, not playing like usual and sleep is something by the wayside -- both napping and nighttime (not to mention the 4:20 wake-up calls in the morning!!

She got her 15-month shots last week and late Friday night into early Saturday morning started running a fever. Tylenol or Motrin really weren't helping and then the diaper changes got interesting. For the last two days, her fever has not subsided nor have the diaper changes gotten any better. So, I took her in to see the doctor not knowing if this is a reaction from the shots, change in routine, teething, the stomach bug or who knows what. After a quite lengthy visit (almost 20 minutes) she is on a medicine and Justin and I get to collect our first stool sample for her!!

I will forwarn you, the next part is rather grotesque!! As I left the office, I had to stop by the lab to get the information for the stool sample. I waited until home to read into the details of the directions. These people expect us to line her diaper with saran wrap so the urine and fecal matter don't mix, then collect it onto a little spoon and fill 3 vials (I was so thinking about posting pictures but held back for the weaker stomachs reading)! Now, we do luck out because there is already some solution in two of the vials, but my child hasn't eaten well for the last week, how do they expect us to get good output if she isn't eating??

So, the race is on! Cross your fingers that this process isn't too much for us!

Friday, August 1, 2008


Well- I was tagged by Audra so here it goes...

Ten years ago I was...
Missing Justin (as it was 10 years ago July 7th that we met)!
Living on campus and working on the grounds a great tan that summer!
Deciding if I wanted to continue with Physical Therapy degree or switch to El. Ed.
Helping pick and shuck sweet corn on my grandparents farm
Moving into my double room as an RA

Five things on today's 'to do' list...
Try to get Kayin down for a nap (she has been up and going strong since 4:50 this morning)!
Hang up some pictures

Five snacks I enjoy...
Popcorn (I know it's not healthy but I do enjoy Orville Redenbaucher's Movie Theater w/butter)
Pretzels dipped in peanut butter (new phase)
Fresh cucumbers from the garden
Yogurt with granola
Chips and Salsa...with a margarita in hand, of course!

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire...
Donate to a charity or someone in need
Buy a House
Invest in something
Start my own company
Give to family

Five places I have lived...
Fremont, Nebraska
Charleston, Illinois
Palatine, Illinois
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Lincoln, Nebraska