Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Santa's Little Helper

We have a tradition at my Grandparent's house in Geneva. All the presents under the tree are passed around until everybody has at least one. Kayin was a little elf helping this year (although she found a couple to unwrap)!! This was the first year in four years that all of the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandkids, and great-grandkids were together!! We had a blast!! And come to think of it, I don't think we did our tradition of family pictures!! Todd, I guess we may have to rig something up on PhotoShop!

Big Girl

Well, not that I want to admit this, but our lil' dolly is growing up (and way TOO FAST I might add)!!! Over the last week, we made the decision to switch out her crib to her big girl bed and add some new decorations. Kayin LOVES her new bed and has transitioned quite easily. We continue to do the same bedtime routine and the first night I was with her after her story, she looked at me, gave me a kiss, and said, "Go away mommy, I sweepy". As I covered her up and gave her a kiss I got a little teary eyed. It seems just like yesterday that we found out we were expecting. She has really grown up the last couple of months! Thanks to Aunt Mimi who came across some new things at our favorite store here in Lincoln, Kids Stuff!!

This is a CLASSIC!!

Not only did we have Christmas this week, but we also had Maggie's Bridal Shower. Kayin discovered my sunglasses and her binky in my purse!! Again, watch out fashion magazines!!

Fashion Queen

Kayin got a new purse and matching bows from Auntie Amy!! Watch out fashion magazines...we have a future model coming your way!

Watch out!! Here she comes!!

As you can see by her tip-toes, Kayin was pretty excited about this gift from Uncle Joshy and Aunt Maggie. She was trying so hard to help Josh get it out of the box!! At first, she wasn't too sure about it but after awhile, she got the hang of it. Right now, it is great for entertainment in the basement with our big family room!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Kayin and I enjoyed the day together yesterday. We had a SNOW DAY due to icy conditions...it must have been an early Christmas present from our superintendent!!! We had a great day making Parmesan Ranch Chex Mix, Puppy Chow, and Blueberry Muffins!! She found some time to work on a puzzle in the basement. She has discovered that Harper won't bother her and the puzzle pieces if she is in the laundry basket!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mother of the Year Award

So, I hesitated to blog about this, but it will definitely go down as a story for the future!! Tuesday morning, through the treacherous drive in snow, I safely arrive in Steph's driveway. I get out, go to Kayin's door and low and behold, the doors are locked. So, I go back to the driver's side and hit the lock/unlock button thinking I had unlocked the doors. I return to Kayin's door finding the doors to be LOCKED!!! Yup, I had locked the car!!! In a mad dash to the door, I race downstairs to borrow Steph's phone to call Justin. No answer. I raced back upstairs and finding Kayin just sitting in the car reading one of her books we stash away in the car. Luckily the car was running and the heat was on full blast! There were screams coming from the car during the 1 hour and 20 minute ordeal, but, if you live in Lincoln, be hesitant to call the police. They showed up about 30 minutes after I had made the initial call just to inform us that he couldn't do anything. A big shout out and THANK YOU to the nice gentlemen from Capitol Towing!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Say Cheese

Lil' Monkey

We definitely have a climber on our hands!! Here is the prelude to the pictures!!!

When we got the piano from my grandparents we had to rearrange our furniture in our livingroom. Of course, the wall I wanted it on was going to be the other focal wall of the room and it covers our cable outlet. We arranged the furniture several different ways and came up with an arrangement that we both liked.

I guess before going on, I should explain something...when we moved in, we never took into consideration the banisters and stairway. My dad rigged something up to cover the stairs and banister to prevent Kayin falling down due to her petite size. So, when the piano came, we moved the t.v. cabinet along the banister.

Well, today I was doing dishes and Kayin was playing in the living room and I noticed movement by the cabinet. I went into the living room and she had CLIMBED ONTO THE CABINET AND WAS READY TO CLIMB ON THE T.V.!!!!! You see, the t.v. is even with our banister and in a split second, she could have had a life-threatening fall over the railing and down the stairs!! Needless to say, the dishes were put on the back burner until I figured out a new arrangement for the living room.

As you can see by these pictures from our new arrangement, she has it figured out and the rest of the morning, we had a couple of time-outs with much explaining of how dangerous it is...

Sights of Lights

Aunt Mimi came over on Thursday night and we went out looking at Christmas lights around town. We bundled Kayin up in her pajamas and this was her before picture...she kept pointing to our Christmas tree saying "pretty lights mommy,
pretty lights".
This was her after picture. As you can tell, putting her in her pajamas was a great idea Aunt Mimi!!! We all were a little surprised at the "lack of lights" we saw in town...but we did end up at a good house south of town! They even put lights around their garage!!

Surprise Char!!

Today Kayin and I headed to Omaha with Aunt Mimi to pick up Aunt Char who flew in from North Carolina for the holidays. With not much coaxing, Kayin ran to Char and gave her a big hug and kiss. Needless to say, Char was pleasantly surprised!! (She hasn't seen Kayin since the end of May!!)

She's Pretty Close

Kayin loves her dolly!! Today were were playing around and she said "she pooped mommy, she pooped" and proceeded to go to her bedroom, get her wipes and "change" her dolly's diaper. Low and behold, when I got close enough to Kayin, it was actually her who had filled her diaper. When I asked her, she said "yup" and went straight to the bathroom. I have a feeling that over Christmas break, with a lot of positive reinforcement, Kayin will be somewhat potty-trained. Everyone tells me it won't be long now!! What a big girl!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Trench Mouth"

That's its official name!! AKA: CANKERSORES!! I have been living on chicken broth, yogurt and jello for the last 4 days (I better have lost some weight) due to an outbreak! On Saturday night, my throat felt a little raw and thinking nothing of it, I went to bed. When I woke on Sunday morning, three cankersores had appeared in the back of my throat, one of which back by the uvula, which makes it quite impossible to swallow anything. I talked with the nurse on Monday morning and she recommended alum and water...tried it, didn't work. Next option, salt water...tried it, didn't work. So, I am now trying to use Amason by Oral B which was recommended by our nurse at school as well as the doctor. Let's hope I find some relief before the holidays cuz' this girl has to eat!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I did it!!

Okay, so what do you think of the new page? I wish I could figure out how to change the header...font and color...not liking it so much!!

Star City Parade

I think we have come across something in Lincoln that will be another family tradition. This morning, we bundled Kayin up and went to have breakfast with Santa in the Haymarket downtown (I will have to post this at another time...they are emailin Justin the picture)!! The proceeds from the event went to the Nebraska Autism Foundation and we had a great time! Justin's manager scheduled him to open the store, then gave him a 3 1/2 hour window to spend some time with his girls. After having breakfast and watching the "choo-choo" we headed to watch the Star City Parade. Kayin had a blast watching the floats and found any "doggy" that she could...didn't matter if it was a real dog or a person in a costume! We tried to get some pictures but were limited on time since the parade started at 11:00 and Justin needed to be back to work by noon. But, without a doubt, we all had a great time!!

Trying it out....

Well, I am not as savvy as some people out there, but I am trying to customize my blog and I have no idea how...I would love to make it for the holidays...any suggestions?? How do I do it??!!

Piano Lessons Anyone??!!

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Okay, okay, okay. I know I haven't blogged in awhile and there have been several of you pestering me to do so....
We finished up the decorating last weekend and I have a feeling that after the holidays I won't want to take down the trees. There is just something about white lights and trees.
This is the tree in our living room. It was "snowman" theme, however with the bigger space, we needed to add a tree downstairs so this is now our "silver" tree.Thanks to my dad's parents upgrading to their "penthouse" AKA top level apartment at Good Samaritan Village in Hastings, we inherited a beautiful piano as well as a sheet music cabinet (which I believe was my great-great grandmother's). It adorns our Nativity scene and every time Kayin walks by, she has to play a key or 10!
This is the new snowman tree downstairs. I was really wishing and hoping for a real Christmas tree this year, but Justin reminded me of how messy they can be. However, I know that next year one tradition that I would like to start with Kayin is going to a tree farm and cutting down our very own Christmas tree!Betcha' can't guess who this tree is for??!! If you look really close, you might even be able to find what Kayin calls, "Daddy's juice!"

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh the perks...

As I was driving to school today I realized how fortunate we are to have a GARAGE!!! The simplest things in life can make your life so much easier. Justin and I have NEVER had a garage in our three years of being together!! While away at college, the good ole' parking lots were where are cars were parked. Now granted, when I lived in Palatine, I did have a garage however once we moved in together in Arlington Heights, we went through 4 years of Chicago winters without a garage. Needless to say, it was a great feeling to get into a warm car this morning and not worry about Kayin being bundled from head to toe (not to mention scraping the frost off the cars)!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

'Round and Around We Go

During their visit, Gwamma and Gwampa took Kayin to the mall. What I forgot to tell them is Kayin always enjoys visiting the carousel. She must have convinced Gwamma to ride a pony with her.

Oooooh Stinky!!

Thanks Nana!!

Need I say more??!! My mom taught her this a couple of weeks ago....

Hide N Seek Harper

Kayin initiated this all on her own. I guess she has learned that Harper will is patient with her as long as she plays nice with him and talks with him after she is done! As I was cooking or unloading the dishwasher on Saturday morning, I noticed out the corner of my eye that Kayin had gotten a blanket from her bedroom and was playing peek-a-boo with Harper. She was even saying "Where's Harper? Where is Harper?" and then would uncover him and say "Here he is!"
I love this picture of her and Harper together! I think they are going to be great playmates, as long as he can handle this early "Terrible Two's" we are starting to see. (She has had to have a couple of time outs, but is learning quickly!!).

This picture is as if she is really trying to tell him something serious. There will be moments throughout the day that she will just rattle on and on about something and this was one of those. Harper just laid there like a good ole' boy and listened to her babbling.

Daddy's Juice

Over the weekend while we had two extra sets of hands, I was able to get out some of our Christmas things, one of them being the Christmas tree and ornaments. If you have ever been to my house, you know how I LOVE to decorate for the holidays, including a tree for every family member. Kayin has her special tree in her room with all of the ornaments she has been collecting since my pregnancy. I have our wedding tree with a set of Marshall Fields ornaments I received from a teacher in Illinois. And Justin, well, his is a soccer/bar tree. Kayin found this six pack of beer ornament his parents found in St. Louis (or around there) and not sure who said it, but she refers to them as "Daddy's Juice". I wish I could figure out how to insert a video because it is too funny to put into words what it sounds like.

Beauty Parlor

Gwamma and Gwampa Brinkmeyer came out for a visit this last weekend and we captured some great moments with them!
Here is Kayin playing beauty parlor with Gwamma. Thanks to Auntie Amy, Kayin has the works, from sparkly lotion and nail polish to glittery lip gloss and chapstick! I have a feeling we may be playing dress up (make-up included) at Christmas time when the Brinkmeyer's are all here! :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New Headpiece

This sits on the coffee table downstairs with a candle in the middle of it (unless we are down here with Kayin). Need I say more??!!

It's Feeding Time

Many of you know that Kayin loves her babies! Well, today we were cleaning through some of her toys and she came across another new baby! I continued to clean around her toy area and she took her new baby to the futon (in another area of the room where I couldn't see her) and she started talking to her baby and telling her "it's okay, it's okay". This was not a posed picture at all...I guess the baby was hungry! I have a feeling Kayin is going to be a nurturing individual in the future. Hmmm....wonder who she gets that from?

Thanks Aunt "Mimi"

Aunt Mimi is notorious for shopping at Gymboree (and she has pretty darn good taste I might add). However, it seems as though she has been frequenting their "family and friends" opportunities anytime she can. She also takes advantages of using her "Gym-bucks". A couple of weeks ago, she brought Kayin a box of Christmas goodies which included all the components of several different outfits...and when I say all the components, I mean all of the components down to the shoes and bows for lil' missy's hair! Well, last week she ran across the new line of pink and brown polka-dots. If you have ever seen Kayin's closet, it's filled with mostly browns and pinks. So, here came Aunt Mimi with another round of clothes. This is just one of many outfits that has filled Kayin's closets. Amazingly enough, she even has brown and pink bows to match...and brown shoes with pink polka-dots. Kayin will also be sporting a new swimsuit at the Brinkmeyer family vacation down at the Ozarks this summer! More pictures to come! (It was hard enough getting her to stand for these poses!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Tonight Kayin had a blast! This was the first year we took her out and ventured around the neighborhood. Last year we stopped by a couple of places, but due to the weather and her age, we didn't stray far from home! She loved the fact that after she said her "tick o teat" people would let her pick out of their candy bowl. Justin had just as much fun as she did I think! He is starting to work his longer hours at work and is enjoying spending specials times like these with her!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's To Come....

Here she is with Vanessa, Dr. Rhodes' nurse

As you can tell by the pictures, we had a pre-Halloween festivity to go to! Our family physician, Dr. Rhodes has an annual Trick Or Treating night for the kids. Kayin LOVED it!! She wasn't too sure when we went in and couldn't look at the "tish (fish)" but quickly realized that people were handing out candy! She did extremely well considering the hallways were black except for purple and orange rope lighting throughout. They had us wind through the office similar to a haunted house and once Kayin noticed people had baskets of candy, she remembered to say "tick o teat pwease" and "tank tu".

Here she is with her twin, Maria!! How convenient that they both were wearing poodle skirts!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Babies...Babies...and More Babies....

Uncle Josh and Aunt Maggie met up with Justin for lunch and headed to Toys R' Us to have a look at some possible Christmas presents. Upon entering the doors...

Justin: "Kayin, look at all the toys."

Kayin: (in pure excitement with an enormous smile on her face and finger pointing) "Where's the BABIES? Babies! Babies! Babies!"

Yup, Kayin has a new phrase....and can't get enough of babies! Anytime she sees one, she'll point and say, "baby". Tonight we were having some family time downstairs without tv or computer and all she wanted to do was dance with her babies!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Are they really going to let me do this??!!

Tonight we had a little family fun! My dad picked up this HUGE pumpkin (okay, next to our lil' petite dolly it looked huge) today and we decided we would let our budding artist have a shot at this! Surprisingly enough, she got most of the paint on the pumpkin! She did pretty well with the paintbrush but also thought that dipping her fingers into the paint would also be interesting!She must get her OCD from me...here she is trying to put the lid on the paints and she was far from being done! So serious in this picture. Wouldn't we like to all know what she is thinking?TADA!!! The finished product.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Feeding Time

When Sharon was here, she captured these precious photos of Kayin feeding her baby. Kayin does everything with this doll. She will pretend to take her potty, will read a book to her, will want to play with her and today, was feeding her lunch. Won't she be such a great big sister (don't worry....not yet)!